Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Springtime Contest

Today is the beginning of Spring and to celebrate I am having a contest. Spring is all about flowers and who doesn't love fresh flowers? My wonderful husband brings me flowers almost every week. I love putting bouquets of fresh flowers around the house. So, I would love to give someone that same gift. All you have to do is share with me why you love the Spring. I will choose a winner on Wednesday, April 11th when I return from Ireland.
Anyone can enter! Have fun.

I will send 20 assorted fresh cut color tulips from ProFlowers!


Jill Higgins said...

I love spring because it puts me one step closer to 90+ degree weather. And no...I'm not kidding.

Yvonne said...

Spring means more to be now that I live in a climate where it's dark and dreary 9 months of the year. But when Spring comes, everything is better...the soil is warm and sprouts glorious flowers, the frogs chirp, and everything is lush. Even the rain seems more tolerable!

dhoffman said...

spring is being able to sit outside and relax late into the evening. spring is wearing tee shirts and shorts (instead of long underwear!!). spring is looking out at my mountains knowing that summer will be soon arriving. spring is bliss!!

Kathryn Conway said...

There are so many reasons I love spring....the dogwoods are blooming, there is a fresh feeling in the air (well except when the pollen goes crazy!), everyone seems to be in a good mood, and spring practice starts for the Gamecocks so that means it almost football season again!

But the main reason I love spring is it brings back memories of going to my grandparents every Easter after church, having Easter Bunny cake and looking for eggs that were hidden all around their huge yard, especially trying to find the "Golden Egg" with the big money prize!

This Spring and Easter brings about mixed emotions because my grandmother passed away just last week. While we are sad to lose her, we are more grateful for the 90 years that this wonderful woman was with us, making every Spring a terrific memory that we will treasure always.